Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

I had previously written up a recipe for this ice cream but, looking back, it wasn't actually very good. I am going to attempt to rectify that now. This time using the Tyrian component cooking method and simply modifying the standard custard base slightly. (And also correcting several typos and contradictions.) Please enjoy this updated and (hopefully) improved Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!

Note: They typical Tyrian method for adding chocolate/chocolate chips to ice cream is to simply chop up some chocolate and add the chunks toward the end of churning. And this works fine. But, my culinary adventures in Terran cuisine introduced me to stracciatella. This is an Italian term (applied to both soup and gelato), that involves drizzling a liquid ingredient into conditions that will cause it to instantly set. In the case of soup, you are drizzling raw egg into hot soup to create little egg ribbons in the broth. In the case of ice cream, you are drizzling melted chocolate into cold ice cream to create thin ribbons or shavings of chocolate throughout the cold custard. I quite like this method and find the fine pieces of chocolate much more pleasant than the larger, uneven chunks produced by simply chopping up a block of chocolate. Use whichever method you prefer, but I have included instructions for stracciatella below.

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream


  • 20g fresh mint leaves
  • 1 recipe Ice Cream Base
  • 120g dark chocolate
  • 1-2 Tbsp. canola (or other neutral) oil


  1. The night before, place the bowl of your ice cream maker in the freezer so that it has a chance to get properly cold.
  2. Before making your ice cream base, combine the milk and cream and scald it.
  3. Remove from heat and immediately add the mint leaves. Set aside to cool for 1-2 hours.
  4. Strain the cream mixture, pressing the mint leaves firmly to extract as much flavour as possible.
  5. Proceed with the ice cream base as directed. If desired, you may replace up to half of the vanilla extract with mint extract for an intense minty flavour.
  6. Once the custard has been thoroughly chilled, set up your ice cream maker and turn it on.
  7. With the ice cream maker running, pour the ice cream into the bowl.
  8. Churn for ~20 minutes.
  9. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate (by whatever method you prefer) and stir in the oil1 (if using).
  10. Once the ice cream has been churning for 20 minutes and is nearly done, begin slowly drizzling in the melted chocolate.
  11. Let the ice cream churn for another minute or two if it seems to need it, then transfer to a container and freeze until ready to eat.

1 The oil helps to keep the chocolate liquid and pourable. Back


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