Jerk Poultry

Jerk spices are relatively uncommon outside the Tarnished Coast, but within that region -- and especially within Metrica Province -- the seasoning is commonplace and much-beloved. This Jerk Poultry dish is its primary use. Although you do occasionally see it make its way into other dishes and onto other meats.

Traditionally this would be made with moa steaks, slathered in a generous quantity of jerk spices, and then cooked in a little linseed oil. This is a somewhat unusual choice as linseed oil is more commonly used for finishing wood and leather products and is not a typical choice for cooking. The Asura, however, swear by its health benefits and prefer linseed oil over any other. Personally, I find linseed's penchant for going rancid and its low smoke point to make it more trouble than it's worth, but feel free to use it if you have some on hand. I must admit that I deviated from the recipe somewhat and swapped out the traditional linseed oil for the more common and heat-stable corn oil.

Jerk Poultry


  • 4 skinless boneless chicken thighs (or 2 breasts)
  • 1/4 c. Jerk Spices
  • 2 Tbsp. linseed (or corn) oil


  1. Slather chicken with the jerk spices and set aside.
  2. Heat oil over medium heat.
  3. Add the chicken and cook until underside is beginning to brown (5-7 minutes).
  4. Flip and cook until the other side gets some colour on it.
  5. If the chicken still isn't cooked all the way through, reduce heat to medium-low and continue cooking for another 3-5 minutes on each side. Do not overcook.


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