Warden Ration

When you hear "warden ration", I'll be your first thought is not a leafy green salad. A name like that sounds like it should go with something utilitarian and hearty. Unless, that is, you happen to be familiar with the Wardens of the Maguuma Jungle. As Sylvari, Wardens eat a wide variety of foods, but tend toward slightly lighter meals than most other races and value freshness over all else. Salad like this are a welcome and frequent addition to the meal!

Warden Ration


  • 1 head of red or green leaf lettuce, torn into bite-sized pieces
  • 3-4 tomatoes, chopped
  • 6-8 Tbsp. Simple Dressing1


  1. Prep the veggies and place them in a large salad bowl.
  2. Make the dressing and pour it over the salad.
  3. Toss to coat.

1 Use whatever oil and vinegar you prefer. I happened to have some lovely "Tuscan herb"2-infused olive oil on hand and opted to combine it with some fig balsamic vinegar. This produced a wonderfully fruity and flavourful dressing! Back
2 A bit like Ascalonian herbs, in fact. Back


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